譚光磊先生是台灣著名的版權人, 他個人有收藏很多國外的奇幻以及科幻小說的原文書, 因為想要賑災, 他決定把自己的收藏以自由樂捐的方式來將所有收益捐給水災相關單位, 如果大家有些私人收藏想要交換也可以跟他當場交換. 請先上它的部落格登記.
Mr. Tang is one of the most famous book copyrighters, and he has a huge and amazing collection of sci-fi fictions. Wanting to contribute to the relief funds, he decided to sell his personal collections. The greatest thing is that there is no fixed price to all his books. You can pick ten books (but you can only line up once) and leave the amount that you think suitable. He will donate the whole profit to authorities concerned. You can visit his blog (the link above) and sign up for the activity.