

我說呢, 真的滿無聊的, 劉德華20多年前就已經跟朱小姐在一起了. 現在不過就是為了愛人的父親奔喪所以牽著她的手, 這樣是"新聞"嗎?
不過呢, 可憐的媒體努力去報導這件事卻敵不過台灣的88水災. 不管媒體想如何炒作劉天王的小孩, 婚事, 大家興趣似乎都還是在別的事情上面.
想想看, 劉大天王這些年來對於演藝圈的貢獻難道不值得我們給他掌聲? 難道不值得我們在人家辦喪事的時候放過他一馬?這是他家的事. 他沒有貪污, 也沒有傷害別人. 幹嘛? 很閒嗎?
媒體, 唉...... 找點別的東西來報ㄅ.

I would say it's pretty boring. Andy Lau has been with Miss Chu for over twenty years, and why can it be "news" when Andy was just holding Chu's hand in his own at Chu's dad's funeral?
Howver, the pathetic press is making every effort to cover Andy's long suspected love affair with Chu, but the news just don't excite the audience much because there is 88 flooding disaster in Taiwan.
Andy Lau definitely deserves our standing ovation for the contributions he's made over the years. And we certainly should leave him and his family alone right now because whether he wants to get married or not is absolutely none of our business. Andy Lau didn't launder money, and he didn't hurt anybody.
The press, well, should cover something else.



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